A guide to sealing packaging machines

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Sealing machines are essential in manufacturing, securing products with airtight barriers to protect against moisture, air, contaminants, and tampering. They ensure product integrity, preserving appearance and preventing damage during transportation. Also known as heat sealers, they use heat and pressure to seal various packaging materials, offering benefits across industries, including:

  • Freshness and Preservation: Sealing machines aid in prolonging the shelf life of perishable items by generating a tight seal that bars air, moisture, and contaminants from infiltrating the packaging. This is essential for preserving the freshness, flavor, and quality of food items.
  • Tamper Resistance: Sealed packaging offers a degree of protection against tampering, reassuring consumers that the product remains unopened and intact until it reaches them. This feature is particularly critical for pharmaceuticals, food, and cosmetics products.
  • Hygiene and Safety: Sealing machines play a crucial role in upholding hygiene and safety protocols by blocking external contaminants from interacting with the packaged contents. This is especially noteworthy in sectors like medical equipment and sterile packaging, where maintaining purity is paramount.
  • Reduced Waste: Effective sealing helps reduce waste by preventing spoilage and product damage, leading to fewer discarded items and less overall waste generation.
  • Customization and Versatility: Sealing machines adapt to diverse packaging needs and formats, efficiently applying seals to various container shapes and sizes, including oval, round, conic, squared, and rectangular. They accommodate a wide range of packaging materials, offering flexibility to manufacturers across industries.
    • Efficiency and Speed: Automated sealing machines offer a substantial enhancement to production efficiency and speed, cutting down on the time and labor needed for manual sealing procedures.
    • Cost Savings: Although there might be an initial outlay for obtaining a sealing machine, the enduring advantages encompass diminished product wastage, heightened productivity, and the prospect of economizing on labor expenses.
    • Environmental Sustainability: Effectively sealed packaging diminishes the necessity for excessive layers of packaging or additional preservatives, fostering a more sustainable and environmentally conscious approach to packaging.
    • Versatility: Sealing machines are compatible with an extensive array of packaging materials, encompassing plastic, aluminum foil, paper, and more, rendering them adaptable for diverse industries and product types. Products can be formed cups (made of PS, PP, PET, APET CPET, aluminium and coupled cardboard), trays, bags or containers (made of plastic, glass and metal).
    • Regulatory Compliance: In sectors such as pharmaceuticals and food and beverages or cosmetics, sealing machines assist in adhering to regulatory mandates concerning product safety, quality standards.
    • Safe Transportation: Sealed packaging plays a pivotal role in safeguarding products during lengthy transport journeys, thwarting potential leakage, contamination, and damage along the way.


    FAT Sealpro40 Sealing Machine

    Let’s explore the functionality of sealing packaging machines.

    The sealing machine is engineered with a linear or rotary design, automating the process of cutting foil laminates to fit perfectly the container sizes, stretching them, and conducting high-speed seals. With up to 10 welding heads housed within a robust sealing block, this machine can achieve speeds of up to 200 ppm.

    Sealers can offer either as Cut & Seal solutions that cut and seal film from a reel or as Seal Only solutions using pre-cut lids. At its core, the sealing machine operates through a conveyor system that carefully manages containers. Enhanced by double servo-driven screw feeders, it ensures precise and rapid feeding, registration, and positioning of each container beneath its designated conduction seal & cut unit.

    When containers approach the sealing block, sensors detect their presence, prompting the block to descend. With meticulous precision, it presses, stretches, cuts the laminate, and securely welds it onto the container’s ring. Following the completion of the sealing cycle, the sealed containers are guided by the screw feeders towards the designated capping machine. Sealing machines are available in manual, semi-automatic, and automatic configurations, offering flexibility to accommodate different production needs and levels of automation.

    • Manual sealing machines operate at a very low speed, necessitating operators to manually execute each sealing step, from placing the containers to initiating the sealing process and removing the sealed containers.
    • Semi-automatic sealing machines automate certain aspects of the sealing process, such as heat sealing or pressure sealing, but still require operator intervention for loading and unloading containers. They typically operate at speeds of up to 10 containers per minute
    • Automatic sealing machines like Shemesh’s Sealpro 120 conduction sealing machine operate fully autonomously, handling all aspects of the sealing process without the need for operator intervention. This machine is equipped with advanced features such as automatic in feeding containers, sealing, and cutting, maximizing efficiency and productivity in packaging operations.


    Sealpro Sealing Machine

    Sealing machines offer numerous advantages in factory settings, such as:

  • Enhanced productivity: Sealing machines can significantly boost the pace and efficiency of packaging operations, enabling companies to manufacture more goods in less time.
  • Consistency improvement: Sealing machines are programmable to deliver uniform and consistent seals, minimizing the potential for human errors and ensuring that every item is securely packaged.
  • Hygiene enhancement: Sealing machines contribute to a cleaner and more hygienic packaging process compared to manual techniques, thus lowering the risk of contamination.
  • Cost-effectiveness: By streamlining operations, minimizing waste, and mitigating contamination risks, sealing machines can lead to substantial cost savings over time.

To maintain product quality while utilizing sealing machines, companies can implement the following measures:

  • Regular upkeep: Routine maintenance and cleaning of sealing machines help keep them in optimal working condition, reducing the likelihood of defects and breakdowns.
  • Quality assurance checks: Companies can conduct quality checks on their products to verify the consistency and effectiveness of seals, ensuring there are no defects or contaminants.
  • Adequate training: Providing thorough training to operators and maintenance staff minimizes the potential for human error and ensures proper machine utilization.
  • Utilization of premium materials: Employing high-quality materials for seals and packaging guarantees strong and effective seals while safeguarding against packaging damage.

By adhering to these practices, businesses can uphold product quality when employing sealing machines, thereby maintaining their reputation for delivering high-quality products that meet customer expectations.


Sealing machine blog picture SEALPRO200

The SEALPRO200 offers all the benefits of the SEALPRO120 but running at 200ppm, it is the fastest sealing machine in the Shemesh range. The perfect fit for your high-speed packaging line.

    Sealing machinery encompasses a diverse array of equipment engineered to achieve hermetic seals across various packaging materials, each tailored to specific production requirements and industry standards. Understanding the technical intricacies of these machines is fundamental to optimizing their performance and selecting the most suitable option for a given application.
  • Heat sealing machines use thermal energy to melt and bond packaging materials, creating a hermetic seal between the lid and the container. Varieties include continuous heat sealers suitable for high-volume production and impulse sealers designed for delicate or heat-sensitive materials. These machines are employed across various industries for sealing packaging such as powdered products like spices, flour, coffee, and protein supplements, or jars containing creams and lotions.
  • Vacuum sealing machines remove air from the packaging before sealing, this process preserves product freshness, extends shelf life, and inhibits microbial growth. Widely employed in food packaging applications, particularly for perishable items such as sauces, soup and delicate goods, and produce, as well as in cosmetics settings for maintaining the product conditions.
  • Conduction sealing machines utilize electromagnetic induction to generate heat in a foil liner, effectively sealing containers with a foil-sealed closure. Preferred for tamper-evident sealing and leak prevention in pharmaceuticals, beverages, and chemical products, offering a reliable and non-contact sealing method.
  • Band sealing machines, also known as continuous sealers, use heated bands or belts to seal packages such as Doypack and pouches as they pass through the sealing zone. They offer high-speed, continuous sealing capabilities, making them suitable for large-scale production environments. Commonly utilized in the packaging of bulk goods, such as grains, powders, and pet foods, where efficient and consistent sealing is essential for product integrity and shelf stability.


sealed containers out from the sealing machine

Sealing machines offer significant benefits to a wide range of industries that rely on efficient and secure packaging processes. Industries that would particularly benefit from sealing machines include:

  • Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare: Sealing machines ensure the integrity and safety of pharmaceutical products, including tablets, capsules, ointment in jars. They provide tamper-evident seals and protect medications from contamination, moisture, and degradation.

Shemesh Automation’s Core Line packaging machinery epitomizes innovation, precision, and reliability, which are indispensable for industries such as cosmetics, chemicals, nonwovens, pharmaceuticals, and healthcare, as well as food & beverage manufacturers.

These machines are engineered to elevate packaging processes, delivering efficiency and top-notch quality. By seamlessly integrating these machines into their packaging lines, manufacturers can boost productivity while maintaining consistent product quality, ensuring that their offerings reach consumers in pristine condition, meeting the highest standards of excellence.

Contact us today to discuss how our sealing machinery can fulfill your unique packaging requirements and drive your business towards greater efficiency and success!