Important to you. Important to your customers. Important to us.
Sustainable packaging machinery matters. Sustainability is a hot topic across every industry right now – and so it should be. We all have a responsibility to care for the environment and the world around us.
At Shemesh, we care about sustainability – because we know you care, and that your customers care too. Therefore, all Shemesh machinery is built with sustainability in mind. Here’s how:
Compact footprint
All Shemesh machines benefit from the knowhow we’ve gained through our 30 years+ in the business. That means all of our machinery is engineered to have the smallest footprint possible.
Our Xpander and Citadel Monoblocks, for example, have a footprint of less than 2m x 2m – saving you space in your facility!
Reduced waste
Manufacturers with sub-optimal packaging machinery risk pouring significant quantities of product and profits down the drain Are your Liquid Filling Machines burning money and your reputation?
Shemesh filling machines use proprietary technology to fill to within +/- 0.25% of fill volume – saving you, and the environment from the perils of product waste!
Reduced utilities consumption
Specifically designed to fill viscous liquids with ultra-high accuracy, the STRATUM features double servo technology for production consistency and portioning accuracy utilising fully synchronized Festo servo driven pistons and diving nozzles at each filling station. This technology also significantly lowers utilities consumption and overall production costs for the business.
The highest standards in hygiene
When you buy Shemesh, you can rest assured there is no compromise on hygiene. All Shemesh machines offer screw free construction with sanitary welds for all liquid pipes and pipe works. Our machines include easy and fast automatic cleaning modes with options for CIP (clean in place) and WIP (wash in place) also available.
If you have any questions about our processes and how we can help you make your production more sustainable – contact us today!