Semi automatic wide conveyor feeding system

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The semi-automatic conveyor feeding machine is a dedicated system that consists of an unpacking conveyor-table on which the operator unpacks closed bundles of containers (canisters, bottles, or jerrycans), and an exit conveyor that delivers them to the filling machine.

The semi-automatic conveyor feeding machine helps the operator to easily and effectively transport the containers from the front of the line to the filling machine.

The operator performs the following actions:

1. Loads a bundle of containers onto the flat surfaced table-conveyor.

2. Cuts and removes the protective outer packaging.

3. Stands any containers that fall over in the process.

4. Once he completes the unpacking, he activates the table’s conveyor. The machine transfers the loaded bottles to the exit conveyor that runs perpendicular and transports the containers to the filling machine.

  • Suitable for cleanrooms
  • Provides containers at the rate required by the filling machine