Maximum efficiency means hands-free automatic buckets denesting!
SA’s fully automatic buckets denester includes a vertical stack servo-driven magazine carousel with a capacity for four stacks of buckets for continuous denesting. The denester magazines can be continuously re-loaded with buckets during operation, meaning you never have to stop the line to reload buckets. Buckets are loaded vertically into the servo-driven denester carousel, the magazines rotate to supply a continuous stream of buckets to the denester. Here the buckets are automatically separated and dispatched on to conveyor in upright position. The denester machine significantly improves production capacity and profitability by eliminating the need to manually denest buckets.
- Continuous means continuous. No need to stop the line for buckets loading.
- Due to integrated Siemens/AB PLC & HMI, Buckets types are changeable at the touch of a button!
- Almost eliminates the need for format parts
- Dramatically reduces downtime
- Material: stainless steel SST304.
- HMI-controlled.
- Throughput: 25 buckets per minute.
- Up to 100-120 buckets in 4 cartridges